Sunday, December 23, 2007


One gets the distinct impression that the ground gained by the Civil Rights Fighters of the 1960's and '70's in the United States of America is giving way to apathy and down right racism. This is particularly unfortunate because the United States was perceived as a beacon for racial equality in the rest of the hemisphere. Many Afro Descendants in, for instance, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Panama and the Caribbean, reaped the benefits of the struggle of their brothers and sisters in the United States.

Is the Beacon Fading?

It was not just a case of pride gained but a recognition that if by agitation blacks in the United States could force the Government there to pass legislation to ensure racial equality, there was hope that the same could be achieved in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is therefore of grave concern that one observes reversals in the area of affirmative action, education and the health care of Afro descendants in the United States of America. Racial profiling seems to be very much alive and the justice system seems to be failing black people, as it did in days of yore.

It is important that the tide of racism, intolerance and injustice in the United States of America be stemmed - lost ground must be recovered now.

Sir Clare K. Roberts, QC

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